Dawn S. Mazzone – Generating a New Spirit in Business and Community

Founder of CREATIVE ECONOMY ENTERPRISES, Sustainability Advocate, Educator and Event Leader.

Dawn Mazzone is a Social Entrepreneur redefining business and community through intentional and creative expression. Dawn’s leadership initiates outreach, generates promotion and expands the creative economy.

She is one of the growing number of thought leaders building the momentum of social change in which business performance is responsible to the individual’s well being, socially and environmentally. She’s received Penn Future's Platinum Green Power Award and Business and Industry's Green Business Award. Dawn Mazzone chaired the Alliance for a Sustainable Future, a non-profit organization dedicated to the worldwide Earth Charter principles.

She is co-originator of New Earth Songs productions, producers of the educational art film "Catch a Dreamer" on the "10 Universal Rights of Children". Dawn Mazzone is committed to bringing alive the opportunities of each person's creative self-expression to Discover, Dream, Design and Create a Hopeful World Destiny.

dawn@creativeeconomyenterprises.com / 610.636.0279 / www.creativeeconomyenterprises.com

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Individual LEAPing

What would you change in the world if you could change one thing? What is the first step you would take toward that hope? Imagine the impact your decision could make....

Ever feel stuck like a car with a bad battery?

Individuals are Welcome to engage in one to three 50 minute sessions to jump-start their path toward your life being a.....

Living project of Love, Self-Expression and Joy.

It's not just conversation, it's experiential!